Sherwood also became a Member of the Shiawassee Area Writers in November of 2023.  You can follow them on Facebook. Visit them on FACEBOOK 


Upcoming Book Signings:

Look for updates on book signing.

Upcoming Events:

Michigan roundtable session writing a memoir
March 23rd, 2024, Fremont District Library 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Fremont, MI

Durand Depot Author Extravaganza
Friday, April 12th, 2024, 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Durand Railroad Depot, Durand, MI

Taylor University’s Professional Writers
Upland, Indiana

Sherwood DeVisser will be a guest speaker July 26 – 27, 2024.  As part of a two Critique Author and lead a round table discussion that focuses on the writing process and eventual success of a published book. 


Durand Union Station, 200 S. Railroad St., Durand,  Michigan – December 8, 2023 

Fremont Area District Library Book Signings: Held December 5th ,2023

The book signing for Raspberry Wars is in Fremont, Michigan. Thank you, Fremonters and several Sheboyganites, for such a wonderful turnout.
 Made new friends, shared memories, and reconnected with old friends. I am humbled and blessed. Thank you Ninajo Dean Wallace for the photos. Thank you all for purchasing of the book in the past, and for the ones that bought the book this day. The Q. & A. was astounding…excellent insights and queries! Thank you again, Fremont Library and Friends of the Library, for making this an exceptional event.